Southcombe Southcombe Firemaster Wildland Gloves, SB02417A, Leather, M, Lime/Blue (Inc. VAT) AED315.00 . Designed specifically for open moor land and wildland fire fighting duties, this glove is light weight yet protective and conforms to the EN659 2003 edition for fire gloves. The model has a Nomex... (Inc. VAT) AED315.00 . Add to Cart Quick view Qty in Cart: 0 Quantity: Decrease Quantity of Southcombe Firemaster Wildland Gloves, SB02417A, Leather, M, Lime/Blue Increase Quantity of Southcombe Firemaster Wildland Gloves, SB02417A, Leather, M, Lime/Blue Price: (Inc. VAT) AED315.00 . Subtotal: Add to Cart Add to Cart