
Spraytech TE Series Tank Mixing Eductor

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Item Name:
Tank Mixing Eductor
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Delivery Time:
2-7 Days
See Full Product Specs
  • Spraytech TE Series Tank Mixing Eductor
  • Spraytech TE Series Tank Mixing Eductor
  • Spraytech TE Series Tank Mixing Eductor
  • Spraytech TE Series Tank Mixing Eductor

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Design Features
  • Effective, economical way to Circulate liquids in closed or open tanks
  • No Moving parts
  • Inherently clog resistant
  • Requires minimal maintenance
  • Nozzles operation creates multiplying effect on fluid flow
Spray Characteristics
  • Cone -shaped plume Flow rates: 26.7 to 12000 L/min (motive)
  • The volume of discharge liquid will be 3-5 times greater than the motive liquid pumped.
  • It's unique venturi design ensures proper mixing of tank Solution.
Eductors have a unique venturi design which enables smaller pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. The eductor will circulate four to five gallons of solution for each gallon pumped. Eductors are used for mixing chemicals, suspending solids, adjusting pH,"sweeping" debris or sludge toward a filter intake and many other useful applications.

  • Plating Tanks
  • Phosphating Tanks
  • Fertilizer tanks
  • Pulp Tanks
  • Sludge Tanks
  • Paint Booths
  • Anodizing Tanks
  • Cooling Towers
  • Decorative Fountains
Diagram Image
Connection Size BSP Model Number Motive Flow Rate LPM @ BAR Dimensions (mm)
0.7 bar 1 bar 1.5 bar 2 bar 3 bar 4 bar A B
1/4 TE30 11.54 13.79 16.89 19.50 23.88 27.58 30.8 82.0
3/8 TE80 30.94 37.00 45.30 52.30 64.00 74.00 52.0 114.7
1/2 TE93 35.50 42.43 51.96 60.00 73.48 84.85 71.0 161.0
3/4 TE120 44.37 53.03 64.95 75.00 91.86 106.07 71.7 164.3
1 TE240 88.74 106.00 129.90 150.00 183.71 212.13 -- --
1 1/2 TE350 133.11 159.10 195.86 225.00 275.57 318.20 115.4 254.1
Diagram Image
Connection Size BSP / BSPT / NPT Model Number Motive Flow Rate LPM @ BAR Dimensions (mm)
0.7 bar 1 bar 1.5 bar 2 bar 3 bar 5 bar A B
Threaded 1/4 TE35 13.6 16.2 19.92 23 28.1 36.3 36 80
3/8 TE73 27.8 33.2 40.70 47 57.5 74.3 49.5 115
1/2 TE120 45.8 54.2 66.4 76.7 93.94 121.2 59.5 150
3/4 TE150 57.2 68.3 83.7 96.7 118.4 152.9 69.5 167
1 TE240 88.74 106.7 129.9 150 183.7 237.1 89 241
1 1/2 TE340 129.5 154.8 189.6 219 268.2 346.2 114 252
2 TE620 236.5 282.1 345.5 399 488.6 630.8 134 290
3 TE1500 572.0 683.7 837.4 967 1184.3 1528.9 174 375.5
Flange End 4 TE2510 952.5 1138.4 1394.3 1610 1971.8 2545.6 -- --
6 TE6010 2271.7 2715.2 3325.5 3840 4703.0 6071.5 -- --
8 TE10050 3804.0 4546.7 5568.5 6430 7875.1 10166.7 -- --
Diagram Image

An eductor can be mounted in any position. The supply line and manifold pipng to multiple eductors must be sized to supply uniform pressure to each eductor. It is important that the eductor be positions within the tank to insure the free flow of liquid to be mixed into and out of the units. the greatest agitation occurs within the discharge plume; therefore, the discgarge end should be aimed towards the most remote part of the tank. On the other hand, the intake end of the unit must be just far enough from the tank corner or wall to allow the free flow of liquid into the suction openings.

Tank shape and size influence the placement and number of eductors required ti maintain even agitation. With a spherical tank, a single eductor mounted as shown in the Figure 1 illustration makes the best use of the mixing characteristics of the eductor. With no corners to impede liquid flow, the liquid circulates evenly.

In simple mixing application in a cylindrical, square or rectangular tank, not a plating tank, the angular intersection of stagnation in these areas. A single eductor mounted as shown in Figure 2 will minimize this. For high agitation, use of multiple eductors are recommended as shown is Figure 3.

A slight downward angle of the eductors can be helpful in maintaining the velocity at the tank bottom which is necessary to keep solids in suspension for easier removal by a filter system. (See Figure 4)

    Item Name:
    Tank Mixing Eductor
    Product Series:
    Brand Origin (not manufacture):
    Delivery Time:
    2-7 Days
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